Rockville Pipeline Company

Raduim-228 Violation Closed

January 10th 2015


Dear Water Users,

This letter is to inform you that the Utah State Division of Drinking Water has closed the violation of the Raduim-228 standard. The following is from the Utah Division of Drinking Water:

"The September 25, 2014 Radium-228 sample at your SS007 Sampling Station resulted in a Running Annual Average for Radium-228 of 3.6pCi/L. This is below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for Radium-228; 5.0pCi/L. That data shows that SS007 Sampling Station has not exceeded the MCL since the August 6, 2013 sample (5.4pCi/L). Therefore, the Division of Drinking Water hereby closes the Radium-228 MCL violation for your system."

This violation of the Raduim-228 MCL was caused by one laboratory sample result in June, 2012 which was higher than we have seen before or since. The reason for this high result is unknown, but the board considers this an isolated event which does not endanger water users in Rockville.

We will continue to monitor Raduim-228 with annual samples from the drinking water system.

Please call the RPC board if you have questions or concerns: 435-668-9940. Thank you for your continued support of the Rockville Pipeline Company.

Rockville Pipeline Company Board Members:
Rob Snyder

Pete Mortenson

Steven Cox

Zack Martin

Tony Ballard

Radium 228 violation information (click here)